

A 21st Century Initiative For Young Aspiring Hackers.

Unify is a 21st century community of young aspiring hackers. We find, train guide and motivate young technologically aware youth in hopes of helping shape the narrative. Founded 2 years ago, Unify is fast becoming, online community of like-minded youth with a shared passion for technology. All aspects of it to be precise. The founded vision of Unify is to help change and shape public perception about the term “Hacker”.

"The term "Hacker", one that first appeared in the 1960's was previously used to describe a programmer or someone who hacked computer code. Now though, it refers to
an industrious coder/programmer who pushes the boundaries of modern computing."

We the founders have witnessed first-hand public ideologies and perceptions of hackers and how we are sometimes referred to as cyber criminals. In hopes of changing that public perception, we not only train and motivate aspiring hackers, but help portray them as more than society perceives them to be. Unify is a community based social platform, talent workshop, multimedia and software development all in one. We invest time, resources and skills in potential hackers and technocrats, develop their personal brand image, build platforms, increase their reach and most importantly, help them realize their full capabilities.

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